In November of 2022 we held some informational meetings about the Hangar vision and mission and how we thought this would come about with a new building. We were blessed with generous donations from individuals and year end gifts from local businesses who wanted to help us start serving teens. Raising over $2 million dollars was daunting, but we were confident we were being obedient to God and what he was calling us to do and that He would provide.


And provide He did! Our prayers were answered in a way we never expected or could have envisioned. We have been given the opportunity to a long-term lease of the former “Rock” building located right in town on the corner of Byron Center Ave and 84th Street. We could have never put this together ourselves as the facility has many features we hoped for already in place. The location is ideal, close to the transportation area the schools use and easy for many to get to. As a board, we have hired Doug Reinsch part time to work as a Director at the Hangar. He is working to finalize our lease agreement, make connections in the community, and securing what needs to be done in the building and who can do that.
Our plan is to start programming for 7th – 12th grade students on October 2nd and then adding programming for 5th and 6th grade students Dec. 4. Dan Neymeiyer, Founder & Director of Youth Development, is working on specifics for programming for the teens and on the ways the building can be best utilized to meet the needs of students with various interests.


Our goal is to bring real hope to the youth of our area, especially those who are not currently experiencing that and are struggling to see Hope in their future.
We need others to come alongside of us! We are thankful for the individuals and businesses who have committed resources, skills, and time to get this up and running. Soon you will see Hangar signs on the building and we will be getting a new paint job inside thanks to businesses/people coming alongside of us.

  • There are items we need to purchase and updates to the building that are needed to make this a great place for teens.
  • We need people to partner with us in donating monetarily, time, resources, and volunteering to share your gifts with these teens once we open.
  • We need your prayers for wisdom as we set up schedule, programming and how best to reach our community with our vision and mission and how to raise the money to support this center.


Golf Outing Monday, Aug. 14

Railside Country Club

Come join us Monday afternoon at Railside for golf and to learn more about the Hangar. Tee times are filling up, so register your foursome soon! Buist Electric is our title sponsor and other local businesses have also joined in to sponsor this event.




Executive Director

Doug Reinsch

Board Members

Wendy Ackermann

Drew Born

Carmen Diekevers

Barry Dykstra

Dan Neymeiyer

Gordie Nickels

Paul Roussey

Andrew VandeBunte

Ken VerWoert

James Woudstra